Kamis, 30 September 2010
day activity
assalamualaykum.wr.wbmy activities as usual today5:15 I get up and pray Fajr, briefly studied chemistry6:30 I showered and ready to go to school7:00 I leave but I had been told to stop by the place Mamah to provide surrogate aunt to goods from grandma07:15 until I get ready for school lessons IndonesianIndonesian first hour recounting the saga's our job because I was ready well before I developed after bran,,, alhamdulillah to value 90My second hour ICT lesson replicates initially does not exist because Marwan pack so we can workThe third hour mandarin test well, but, fortunately, I memorized the vocabulary well,, i do not know hell bener or wrong and how its valuebreak my prayer in the mosque dzuhurfourth hour chemistry well, I quite understand is ..pulangan ago I ate and direct typing of biological ugh capae16:00 My Chemical les ... go home19:00 to eat and learnand sleep deh,,,,yours respectfully,,,,
Rabu, 29 September 2010
daily activity....
sorry yesterday did not post the activityI am a little tired today ...do not know why?05:30 I woke up after the Fajr prayer05:40 I learned a while ago I was getting ready to go to school (shower, breakfast)07:00 Arriving at the school I went I was doing my english, I have not done because I do not understandThe first hour of ICT as no yudid pack so I chatted with a friendat both sport and we play volleyball it was very tiringThe third hour Indonesian and we check replications, the value of my wah ... PAS KKMI rest and prayer to the mosque's daughterThe fourth hour is the time to test the English language and I speak a bit of trouble but yes alhamdulillah get the value 814:00 came home from school and then I eat and watch tvLearn 17:00and sleep ...
sorry yesterday did not post the activityI am a little tired today ...do not know why?05:30 I woke up after the Fajr prayer05:40 I learned a while ago I was getting ready to go to school (shower, breakfast)07:00 Arriving at the school I went I was doing my english, I have not done because I do not understandThe first hour of ICT as no yudid pack so I chatted with a friendat both sport and we play volleyball it was very tiringThe third hour Indonesian and we check replications, the value of my wah ... PAS KKMI rest and prayer to the mosque's daughterThe fourth hour is the time to test the English language and I speak a bit of trouble but yes alhamdulillah get the value 814:00 came home from school and then I eat and watch tvLearn 17:00and sleep ...
Minggu, 26 September 2010
activity day week of 26 September 2010
This morning I woke up because I was helping my parents ..08.00 I wash my clothes
10:00 I took a shower and then breakfast,,,
12:00 I go to the mosque istiqomah to tarbiyah / recitation, when she reached there, I learned commentary
15:00 I go home, but I stopped by the BTC with my friend (Arifah) to buy a veil, then go to the Hypermart buy snacks, toothbrushes, soap,Handbody and other equipment
17:00 I go home,,, but my parents are not home ... ugh ... I catch up with feeling tired went to my grandma's house ...
19:00 I learned,,, although not bring the book I borrowed my brothers book ...
21.00 i,1m go home and sleep
10:00 I took a shower and then breakfast,,,
12:00 I go to the mosque istiqomah to tarbiyah / recitation, when she reached there, I learned commentary
15:00 I go home, but I stopped by the BTC with my friend (Arifah) to buy a veil, then go to the Hypermart buy snacks, toothbrushes, soap,Handbody and other equipment
17:00 I go home,,, but my parents are not home ... ugh ... I catch up with feeling tired went to my grandma's house ...
19:00 I learned,,, although not bring the book I borrowed my brothers book ...
21.00 i,1m go home and sleep
Rabu, 22 September 2010
jilbab paris
menjual jilbab paris dengan harga murah cuma 17.000 dengan aneka warna
pilihan warna dapat dipesan ke
destiana dwi (08565315661)
my daily activity
I will mention this incident that I experienced today ...Today I woke up at 06:00 hours, I usually pray shubuh but because I hitch so I do not pray, then I took a shower and getting ready to go to school.07:15 I go to school and that too in a state of rain.7:30 I enter the class and the first lesson is the lesson of ICT, but did not enter mr yudid class.so time I use to learn English because today there English test.8:45 second lesson is PE, and mr herman go to class and explain the theory
volleyball game, my little sleepy and tired after I eat it breaks
My lunch.10:00 The third lesson: the language of Mrs. Sherly indonesia but did not go to class and my class
just talking with Elsa, Hamida and edita course, after that we break12:30 fourth lesson repeated time and I was doing my english with a little
Distress, well,,, hopefully it will get a satisfying value14.00 I keep the brother came home from school x grade tests olympics15:00 i come back house17:00 I went to the warnet
For the night as usual: eating, studying and sleeping ...
I will mention this incident that I experienced today ...Today I woke up at 06:00 hours, I usually pray shubuh but because I hitch so I do not pray, then I took a shower and getting ready to go to school.07:15 I go to school and that too in a state of rain.7:30 I enter the class and the first lesson is the lesson of ICT, but did not enter mr yudid class.so time I use to learn English because today there English test.8:45 second lesson is PE, and mr herman go to class and explain the theory
volleyball game, my little sleepy and tired after I eat it breaks
My lunch.10:00 The third lesson: the language of Mrs. Sherly indonesia but did not go to class and my class
just talking with Elsa, Hamida and edita course, after that we break12:30 fourth lesson repeated time and I was doing my english with a little
Distress, well,,, hopefully it will get a satisfying value14.00 I keep the brother came home from school x grade tests olympics15:00 i come back house17:00 I went to the warnet
For the night as usual: eating, studying and sleeping ...
Perkembangan kultur jaringan anggrek di Indonesia sangat lambat dibandingkan negara-negara lain, bahkan impor bibit anggrek dalam bentuk ‘flask’ sempat membanjiri nursery-nursery anggrek.
Keadaan tersebut disebabkan pengetahuan pembudidaya anggrek yang sangat sedikit mengenai teknik ini. Selain itu kultur jaringan memerlukan investasi yang besar untuk membangun laboratorium yang mungkin hanya cocok untuk perusahaan.

Kultur jaringan adalah teknik perbanyakan tanaman dengan cara mengisolasi bagian tanaman dalam kondisi aseptik sehingga dapat memperbanyak diri dan beregenerasi menjadi individu baru yang utuh (Gunawan, 1992).
Teknik kultur jaringan didasari oleh konsep totipotensi sel yang artinya total genetic potential atau setiap sel dari tubuh multisel memiliki potensi memperbanyak diri dan berdiferensiasi menjadi tanaman lengkap (George dan Sherrington, 1984).
Media yang digunakan dalam kultur jaringan anggrek tidak jauh berbeda dengan media lainnya. Beberapa media yang digunakan untuk perbanyakan anggrek adalah Knudson ‘C’ (Knudson, 1946), Wimber (Wimber, 1963) atau Fonnesbech (Fonnesbech, 1972) atau media MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962).
Keadaan tersebut disebabkan pengetahuan pembudidaya anggrek yang sangat sedikit mengenai teknik ini. Selain itu kultur jaringan memerlukan investasi yang besar untuk membangun laboratorium yang mungkin hanya cocok untuk perusahaan.
Kultur jaringan adalah teknik perbanyakan tanaman dengan cara mengisolasi bagian tanaman dalam kondisi aseptik sehingga dapat memperbanyak diri dan beregenerasi menjadi individu baru yang utuh (Gunawan, 1992).
Teknik kultur jaringan didasari oleh konsep totipotensi sel yang artinya total genetic potential atau setiap sel dari tubuh multisel memiliki potensi memperbanyak diri dan berdiferensiasi menjadi tanaman lengkap (George dan Sherrington, 1984).
Media yang digunakan dalam kultur jaringan anggrek tidak jauh berbeda dengan media lainnya. Beberapa media yang digunakan untuk perbanyakan anggrek adalah Knudson ‘C’ (Knudson, 1946), Wimber (Wimber, 1963) atau Fonnesbech (Fonnesbech, 1972) atau media MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962).
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