Selasa, 02 November 2010

palestina vs israel

Israel to attack and massacre of Palestinian lives lost cause casualties up to 400 people does invite a lot more criticism from around the world.
I'm probably a little air opinions, my opinion is "hearty israel and palestine problem was never done." turns out its responsibilities according to the religion of Islam both areas it will never be peace, if both regions had been peaceful, the apocalypse will close.
And this is why I think most people just shouted to myself as I am and do not dare do in real evidence. American and European countries if there are problems outside israel and palestine will quickly send his troops with peacekeepers  like in iraq and see the result is iraq and Afghanistan now.
Why european and american countries still with problems israel and palestine? His answer these countries fear the story above is that until this area is at peace, the end will close, and that's also why Arab countries are also silent.
Countries that had been in power turned out to look like a toothless tiger that carries both these problems. who dared to do is ordinary civilians who may indeed be ready to receive the apocalypse.
So would not want to direct this indirect evidence is strong that Islam and any country in the world recognize the truth of Islam.

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